Monday 9 June 2008

Content warning

Just a quick comment to say that when I looked at Juvenita's training blog, I received a "content warning" about objectionable content. I can only think this happened because the blog contains the words "adult reading". We probably don't want the public to receive these warnings, so we need to be careful about the terminology we use!


Una said...

Oops..correction. It is Max's blog that gives the content warning.

Lewisham Information said...

The content warning is something that Max has set up. You can change the settings on your blog so that it comes up with this message and people have to accept the conditions before continuing. It can be useful if you are aiming a reading group at adults and want to make sure that parents/carers are warned that it may not be suitable for children. It doesn't necessarily mean that there is anything objectionable on it or that WebSense would filter it.
